Process adds power to your plan

We use a simple but powerful exercise to divide financial matters into three categories:

things you want more of,

things you need less of,

and things where just enough is just right.

More: More happens when your money works for you. You might get more of what you want by choosing products with flexibility or guarantees. More can happen just by being vigilant and making well-timed moves. We can help with recommendations built for the long term.

Less: Less is best for penalties, taxes and hassles. Less taxes might happen when you tax-diversify your retirement. Less worry can result from taking advantage of laws that protect some assets from lawsuits and creditors. We're small and local on purpose, so we can help you have fewer delays, fewer headaches and fewer surprises.

Just enough: Just enough is just right for risk management. When you protect the important stuff, you're doing the right stuff. Overspending on insurance takes money from the thing you want today, but underspending jeopardizes tomorrow. We can help you consider things like risk of running out of money, risk of leaving your family too young, and risk of failing to plan.